To call Jacky an animal lover would be an understatement. In her native Malta she kept anything up to 110 animals – including a Shetland pony, 15 cats, three dogs, a parrot, a rabbit, hamsters, guinea pigs, a giant catfish, a giant tortoise and 32 turtles. These days Smooch – her beloved African Grey parrot keeps Jacky company at work, as do her three dogs Kyo, Nemxa and Buddy...
...I’ve always loved animals. I never had children, never wanted any children, I’m just an animal person I have this rapport with them. I can have my parrot Smooch on my shoulder all day, we can sing and talk together and she’s learning all the time. African Greys need love and constant attention. You can talk to them and teach them colours and play with them like a two-year-old child."
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